《Merrill-palmer Quarterly-journal Of Developmental Psychology》雜志的最新年發文量為4篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Merrill-palmer Quarterly-journal Of Developmental Psychology 雜志發文統計
- Temperamental Growth in Infancy: Demographic, Maternal Symptom, and Stress Contributions to Overarching and Fine-Grained Dimensions5
- Cortisol Moderates the Relation Between Physical Peer Victimization and Physical Aggression in Preschoolers Attending High-Quality Child Care: Evidence of Differential Susceptibility Across Informants3
- Peer Victimization Is Associated With Neural Response to Social Exclusion2
- Prevalence of Imaginary Companions in Children: A Meta-analysis2
- Children's Act Evaluation and Emotion Attribution Reasoning Regarding Different Moral Transgressions2
- Sociometric Status as Mediator in the Relation Between Effortful Control and Achievement1
- Perceptions of Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Peers: Behavioral Correlates of Perceived Coolness During Middle Childhood1
- Cumulative Family Stressors and Kindergarten Adjustment: The Exacerbating Role of Teacher-Child Conflict1
- Participation in Structured Performing Arts Activities in Early to Middle Childhood: Psychological Engagement, Stress, and Links With Socioemotional Functioning1
- Maternal Knowledge as a Mediator of the Relation Between Maternal Psychological Control and Altruistic Prosocial, Instrumental Prosocial,and Antisocial Behavior1