《European Sociological Review》雜志的最新年發文量為78篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
European Sociological Review 雜志發文統計
- Why You Should Always Include a Random Slope for the Lower-Level Variable Involved in a Cross-Level Interaction21
- Are Migrants Selected on Motivational Orientations? Selectivity Patterns amongst International Migrants in Europe9
- Why Income Inequality Is Dissatisfying-Perceptions of Social Status and the Inequality-Satisfaction Link in Europe8
- A Multi-Actor Study of Adult Children and Their Parents in Complex Families: Design and Content of the OKiN Survey8
- Mass Media and Concerns about Immigration in Germany in the 21st Century: Individual-Level Evidence over 15 Years7
- Attitudes Towards Minorities in Times of High Immigration: A Panel Study among Young Adults in Germany7
- Residential Segregation and 'Ethnic Flight' vs. 'Ethnic Avoidance' in Sweden6
- Studying Integration from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: Design, Content, and Research Potential of the CILS4EU-DE Data6
- What Fairness? Gendered Division of Housework and Family Life Satisfaction across 30 Countries6
- Family Complexity and Adult Children's Obligations: The Role of Divorce and Co-Residential History in Norms to Support Parents and Step-Parents6
- Netherlands30
- England25
- Switzerland12
- Sweden11
- Norway10
- Belgium9
- USA9
- Italy8
- Denmark7