《Rilce-revista De Filologia Hispanica》雜志的最新年發文量為40篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Rilce-revista De Filologia Hispanica 雜志發文統計
- Evidential perception verbs in 19th-century scientific papers: Pragmatic-rhetorical functions3
- Por que escritura rimada es mejor decorada: new revision to the Language, Metrics and Stylistics of Sem Tob's Proverbios morales3
- Dialogical Approach to Argumentation and Polyphony, Evidential Points of View and Allusive Points of View2
- Co-occurrences of Discourse Markers in Spoken Language: An Empirical Study of anda, vamos, vaya and venga2
- A real time change: attenuation among university-educated speakers of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria2
- Attenuation in argentinean and spanish colloquial conversations: a contrastive analysis2
- The mitigating value of phatic markers in PRESEEA: A comparative study between Spain and Mexico2
- Pretendings and attenuation in uses of creo1
- Mitigation of speaker commitment?: The evidentials por lo visto and se ve que1
- La viuda, casaca y doncella, by Lope, Source of La descicha en la constancia, a Byzantine Short Novel by Miguel Moreno (With Some Notes on La Circe)1
- Spain146
- USA16
- Argentina8
- France7
- Italy7
- Chile5
- Belgium3
- Bolivia2
- Colombia2