《Forum Der Psychoanalyse》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為28篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Forum Der Psychoanalyse 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計(jì)
- Experienced-based learning of psychodynamic interventions4
- Dialectic of psychotherapy research A critique of current views on the relationship between psychoanalysis and outcome research4
- Training analyses-a review2
- Institutionalized self-experience-impossible or necessary? On the current debate on training analysis2
- Between tribal history and psychogenesis Evolutionary psychology and psychodynamics of shame, guilt and contempt1
- The meaning of consolation in psychoanalytically oriented terminal care Or: What remains when there is no future1
- On the framework conditions of good practice The importance of the model of psychoanalytic competences for training1
- Psychoanalytical competence in training and further education Results of a survey among DGPT candidates and considerations on the reform of the German Psychotherapist Act1
- Cooperation and apres-coup How therapists and patients work together1
- Getting back on track Four theses on the contribution of audio recordings in psychoanalysis1
- Switzerland6
- Austria4
- Italy3
- USA1