《International Journal Of Intercultural Relations》雜志的最新年發文量為117篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
International Journal Of Intercultural Relations 雜志發文統計
- Predictors of undergraduate international student psychosocial adjustment to US universities: A systematic review from 2009-201814
- Intergroup contact versus conflict in Catalan high schools: A multilevel analysis of adolescent attitudes toward immigration and diversity13
- Self-determined motivation for studying abroad predicts lower culture shock and greater well-being among international students: The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction9
- Short term, big impact? Changes in self-efficacy and cultural intelligence, and the adjustment of multicultural and monocultural students abroad8
- Hype or hope? A new look at the research on cultural intelligence8
- Cultural stress and psychological symptoms in recent Venezuelan immigrants to the United States and Colombia8
- Acculturation expectation profiles of Russian majority group members and their intergroup attitudes7
- How can Chinese international students' host-national contact contribute to social connectedness, social support and reduced prejudice in the mainstream society? Testing a moderated mediation model7
- Exploring the beneficial effects of social networking site use on Chinese students' perceptions of social capital and psychological well-being in Germany6
- When imagining intergroup contact mobilizes collective action: The perspective of disadvantaged and advantaged groups6
- USA41
- Australia24
- Netherlands20
- Italy14
- England13
- New Zealand12
- Spain12
- Belgium11