《Asian Journal Of Communication》雜志的最新年發文量為36篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Asian Journal Of Communication 雜志發文統計
- Meta-analysis of the relationship between Internet use and political participation: examining main and moderating effects7
- Predicting elections from social media: a three-country, three-method comparative study7
- An integrated model of workload, autonomy, burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover intention among Taiwanese reporters6
- Gender, media, and myth-making: constructing China's leftover women5
- Personality structure of brands on social networking sites and its effects on brand affect and trust: evidence of brand anthropomorphization5
- Islamophobia in China: news coverage, stereotypes, and Chinese Muslims' perceptions of themselves and Islam5
- Connecting social media use with gaps in knowledge and participation in a protest context: the case of candle light vigil in South Korea4
- Utilization of CSR to build organizations' corporate image in Asia: need for an integrative approach4
- Memory mobilization, generational differences, and communication effects on collective memory about Tiananmen in Hong Kong3
- Exploring linkage of message frames with personality traits for political advertising effectiveness3
- USA44
- South Korea16
- Singapore8
- Australia4
- Japan3
- Taiwan3
- India2
- Iran2
- Ethiopia1