《Water Resources》雜志的最新年發文量為127篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 較慢,6-12周 。
Water Resources 雜志發文統計
- Validation of a Hydrological Model Intended for Impact Study: Problem Statement and Solution Example for Selenga River Basin5
- Occurrence of the First Toxic Microcystis Bloom in a Recent Moroccan Reservoir4
- Suppression of Alga Blooming by Zooplankton Filter Feeders in Small Water Bodies4
- Water-Management and Environmental Problems of the Lower Volga and Ways to Their Solution4
- Impact Assessment of Climate Change and Human Activities on Runoff Variation in Coal Mining Watershed, NW China3
- Input of Pollutants with Winter Precipitation onto Vorkuta Agglomeration Territory3
- Runoff Predictions in Ungauged Arctic Basins Using Conceptual Models Forced by Reanalysis Data3
- Changes in Phytoplankton Production after the Introduction of Heavy Metals into Ecosystem with Subsequent Cleaning by Humic Sorbent3
- Effect of Slope Length and Rainfall Intensity on Runoff and Erosion Conversion from Laboratory to Field3
- GIS-Based Groundwater Potential Mapping in Khorramabad in Lorestan, Iran, using Frequency Ratio (FR) and Weights of Evidence (WoE) Models3
- Russia268
- Iran20
- India14
- Poland6
- Algeria5
- Egypt5
- Serbia5
- Japan4
- USA4