該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Demography 雜志發文統計
- Gender Differences in the Consequences of Divorce: A Study of Multiple Outcomes26
- Growing Wealth Gaps in Education18
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Lifetime Prevalence of Homelessness in the United States15
- Family Change and Changing Family Demography14
- Cross-National Comparisons of Union Stability in Cohabiting and Married Families With Children14
- Educational Disparities in Adult Mortality Across US States: How Do They Differ, and Have They Changed Since the Mid-1980s?12
- Misreporting Month of Birth: Diagnosis and Implications for Research on Nutrition and Early Childhood in Developing Countries12
- When and Where Birth Spacing Matters for Child Survival: An International Comparison Using the DHS12
- Is 60 the New 50? Examining Changes in Biological Age Over the Past Two Decades11
- A Research Note on the Prevalence of Housing Eviction Among Children Born in US Cities11
- USA212
- England24
- Sweden17
- Netherlands15
- Canada11
- France10
- Italy9
- Australia7
- Denmark6