《Zeitschrift Fur Entwicklungspsychologie Und Padagogische Psychologie》雜志的最新年發文量為15篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Zeitschrift Fur Entwicklungspsychologie Und Padagogische Psychologie 雜志發文統計
- Subjective Perceptions of the Teaching-Research Nexus and Occupational Stress at Universities3
- Improving Prospective Teachers' Social-Emotional Competence: Development and Evaluation of a Training Program2
- Individual Developmental Progress in Reading: Does Gender Make a Difference?1
- The New Statistics in Psychology - The Status Quo and Future of Data Analysis1
- Grading and Students' Autonomy - Does It Fit?1
- Participation in Continuing Education Among Older People From the Perspective of Expectancy-Value Theory: The Rote of Affective Memories and Task Value1
- Self-Regulation Strategies in Preterm and Full-Term Children at the Age of 2 Years1
- Do Subject-Specific Admission Tests in German-Speaking Countries Provide a Valid Prediction of Academic Performance? A Meta-Analytic Update1
- Motor Development and Handedness in Infants0
- Perceived Attainment of Developmental Tasks in Adolescents With and Without Mental Disorders0
- Austria4
- Netherlands1
- Serbia1