《Studies In Philosophy And Education》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為35篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Studies In Philosophy And Education 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計
- Beyond Higher Education as We Know it: Gesturing Towards Decolonial Horizons of Possibility12
- What Kind of Society Does the School Need? Redefining the Democratic Work of Education in Impatient Times5
- Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education5
- Paulo Freire and Philosophy for Children: A Critical Dialogue5
- Daoist Onto-Un-Learning as a Radical Form of Study: Re-imagining Study and Learning from an Eastern Perspective5
- From Hostility to Hospitality: Teaching About Race and Privilege in a Post-election Climate4
- Wonder, Guarding Against Thoughtlessness in Education4
- Teaching is Oppositional: On the Importance of Supporting Experimental Teaching During Student Teaching4
- Studying with the Internet: Giorgio Agamben, Education, and New Digital Technologies3
- Educating Semiosis: Foundational Concepts for an Ecological Edusemiotic3
- USA56
- England19
- Canada14
- Sweden10
- Belgium7
- Poland7
- Ireland6
- South Africa6
- Spain6