《Review Of Religious Research》雜志的最新年發文量為24篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Review Of Religious Research 雜志發文統計
- Merging the Religious Congregations and Membership Studies: A Data File for Documenting American Religious Change4
- Religious Service Attendance, Moral Foundations, God Concept, and In-Group Giving: Testing Moderated Mediation4
- Reactionary Deconversion from Mormonism: Polarization of Ideological and Behavioral Religiosity Among Active and Former Mormons3
- Religious Congregations' Experiences with, Fears of, and Preparations for Crime: Results from a National Survey3
- Clergy Working Outside of Congregations, 1976-20182
- Whose Authority? Perceptions of Science Education in Black and Latino Churches2
- Understanding the Rise of Born-Again Catholics in the United States: The Role of Educational Attainment2
- Ethnic Churches as an Important Space of Co-ethnic Resources for Immigrant Entrepreneurs2
- Decomposing Immigrants' Religious Mobility: Structural Shifts and Inter-religion Exchanges Among Chinese Overseas Students2
- How Pornography Use Reduces Participation in Congregational Leadership: A Research Note1
- USA108
- Canada4
- Italy3
- England2
- Netherlands2
- South Africa2
- Australia1
- Belgium1
- France1