《Relc Journal》雜志的最新年發文量為45篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Relc Journal 雜志發文統計
- Is Teaching English as an International Language All about Being Politically Correct?7
- ELF and Communication Strategies: Are They Taken into Account in ELT Materials?7
- Current and Future Digital Trends in ELT5
- Evaluating the Impact of Professional Development5
- English As an International Language: What It Is and What It Means For Pedagogy5
- A Tale of Two Teachers: A Duoethnography of the Realistic and Idealistic Successes and Failures of Teaching English as An International Language4
- Exploring an EAP Teacher's Beliefs and Practices in Teaching L2 Speaking: A Case Study4
- Form-focussed Instruction in CALL: What Do Learners Think?3
- Drama for L2 Speaking and Language Anxiety: Evidence from Brazilian EFL Learners3
- Professional Development and the Place of Journals in ELT3
- Singapore31
- USA20
- Australia15
- Iran15
- New Zealand13
- England10
- Japan8
- Taiwan8
- Canada7