《Language And Speech》雜志的最新年發文量為43篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Language And Speech 雜志發文統計
- Second Language Perception of Mandarin Vowels and Tones5
- Emotion Words Modulate Early Conflict Processing in a Flanker Task: Differentiating Emotion-Label Words and Emotion-Laden Words in Second Language4
- When (not) to Look for Contrastive Alternatives: The Role of Pitch Accent Type and Additive Particles4
- Attentional Modulation and Individual Differences in Explaining the Changing Role of Fundamental Frequency in Korean Laryngeal Stop Perception4
- The Effect of Practice and Visual Feedback on Oral-Diadochokinetic Rates for Younger and Older Adults4
- Regional dialect perception across the lifespan: Identification and discrimination4
- Orthography-Induced Length Contrasts in the Second Language Phonological Systems of L2 Speakers of English: Evidence from Minimal Pairs4
- The Montclair Map Task: Balance, Efficacy, and Efficiency in Conversational Interaction4
- Early L2 Spoken Word Recognition Combines Input-Based and Knowledge-Based Processing4
- Imitation in a Second Language Relies on Phonological Categories but Does Not Reflect the Productive Usage of Difficult Sound Contrasts4