《Journal Of Mathematical Psychology》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為40篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 約20.2周。
Journal Of Mathematical Psychology 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計
- A tutorial on Gaussian process regression: Modelling, exploring, and exploiting functions55
- Shrinkage priors for Bayesian penalized regression10
- Estimating across-trial variability parameters of the Diffusion Decision Model: Expert advice and recommendations10
- The statistical structures of reinforcement learning with asymmetric value updates8
- On universality of classical probability with contextually labeled random variables7
- RT-MPTs: Process models for response-time distributions based on multinomial processing trees with applications to recognition memory7
- Detecting and explaining BLIM's unidentifiability: Forward and backward parameter transformation groups6
- Thermodynamic integration and steppingstone sampling methods for estimating Bayes factors: A tutorial5
- An examination of parallel versus coactive processing accounts of redundant-target audiovisual signal processing4
- A tutorial on joint models of neural and behavioral measures of cognition4
- USA79
- Australia22
- Netherlands19
- Italy14
- England11
- Canada9
- Sweden7
- Denmark6
- Spain6