《International Studies Quarterly》雜志的最新年發文量為96篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
International Studies Quarterly 雜志發文統計
- Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa22
- Recognizing International Status: A Relational Approach15
- Life, Death, or Zombie? The Vitality of International Organizations14
- Timing is Everything: Toward a Better Understanding of Time and International Politics11
- Citizenship for Sale and the Neoliberal Political Economy of Belonging11
- Firms and Global Value Chains: Identifying Firms Multidimensional Trade Preferences10
- A Century of International Relations Feminism: From World War I Women's Peace Pragmatism to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda9
- Targeted Foreign Aid and International Migration: Is Development-Promotion an Effective Immigration Policy?9
- How to Keep Officers in the Barracks: Causes, Agents, and Types of Military Coups9
- International Relations at the End: A Sociological Autopsy8
- USA174
- England31
- Canada11
- Australia9
- Norway9
- Switzerland8
- Sweden6
- Israel5
- Scotland5