《Geomagnetism And Aeronomy》雜志的最新年發文量為144篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Geomagnetism And Aeronomy 雜志發文統計
- Global Survey Method for the World Network of Neutron Monitors7
- Ionospheric Precursors of Geomagnetic Storms. 1. A Review of the Problem5
- Local and Regional Ionospheric Disturbances During Meteorological Disturbances5
- Diagnostic Analysis of the Solar Proton Flares of September 2017 by Their Radio Bursts4
- Features of the Spectral Characteristics of Plasma Fluctuations in Different Large-Scale Streams of the Solar Wind4
- Effect of the Magnetopause and Bow Shock on Characteristics of Plasma Turbulence in the Earth's Magnetosheath4
- Space Weather and Specific Features of the Development of Current Solar Cycle4
- Radiation Conditions near Exoplanets of the TRAPPIST-1 System3
- Vertical Electric Currents in Active Regions: Calculation Methods and Relation to the Flare Index3
- 60-Year Cycle in the Earth's Climate and Dynamics of Correlation Links between Solar Activity and Circulation of the Lower Atmosphere3
- Russia389
- Ukraine17
- Finland12
- Kazakhstan8
- India6
- Bulgaria5
- Turkey5
- France4
- USA4
- Czech Republic3