該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Diagnostica 雜志發文統計
- Standardization of the SF-12 Version 2.0 Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life in a Representative German Sample8
- The German Big Five Inventory 2: Measuring Five Personality Domains and 15 Facets8
- Confirmatory Analysis of the SF-12 Version 2.0 Scale Structure in a Representative German Sample4
- Measuring Reading Volume in Large-Scale Assessments: A Comparison of an Overall Evaluation and a Differentiated Evaluation Relating Different Text Types2
- Assessing Career Resources: Validation of the German-Language Career Resources Questionnaire2
- Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for Measuring Students' Enjoyment in Physical Education Classes2
- Measuring Self-Control Depletion in Achievement Situations: A Validation of the 5-Item Brief State Self-Control Capacity Scale2
- Development and Validation of the Short Version of the Fragebogeninventar fur Freizeitinteressen (FIFI-K)1
- The Cambridge Depersonalization Scale - Situational (CDS-S) for Measuring Situation-Related Experiences of Depersonalization1
- Reliability and Validity of the German Multidimensional Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory (MPCI-G)1