《Comparative Studies In Society And History》雜志的最新年發文量為32篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Comparative Studies In Society And History 雜志發文統計
- Actually-Existing Success: Economics, Aesthetics, and the Specificity of (Still-)Socialist Urbanism5
- Indigenous Conflict in Bolivia Explored through an African Lens: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Indigeneity4
- Rethinking Masculinity in the Neoliberal Order: Cameroonian Footballers, Fijian Rugby Players, and Senegalese Wrestlers4
- Essential Collaborators: Locating Middle Eastern Geneticists in the Global Scientific Infrastructure, 1950s-1970s4
- Islam and Culture: Dis/junctures in a Modern Conceptual Terrain4
- Proletarian Politics Today: On the Perils and Possibilities of Historical Analogy3
- Theologies of Auspicious Kingship: The Islamization of Chinggisid Sacral Kingship in the Islamic World3
- No country but the ocean: Reading International Law from the Deck of an Indian Ocean Dhow, ca. 19003
- Democratic Socialism in Chile and Peru: Revisiting the Chicago Boys as the Origin of Neoliberalism3
- Moral Revolutions: The Politics of Piety in the Ottoman Empire Reimagined3