《Acta Politica》雜志的最新年發文量為35篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Acta Politica 雜志發文統計
- The voice of populist people? Referendum preferences, practices and populist attitudes13
- Economic correlates of populist attitudes: an analysis of nine european countries in the aftermath of the great recession10
- Keeping dissent alive under the Great Recession: noradicalisation and protest in Spain after the eventful 15M/indignados campaign7
- Nice guys finish last: personality and political success6
- Electoral volatility in Belgium (2009-2014). Is there a difference between stable and volatile voters?5
- Income inequality and economic downturn in Europe: a multilevel analysis of their consequences for political participation5
- The lobbying success of citizen and economic groups in Denmark and the UK5
- Social mobility and political distrust: cults of gratitude and resentment?4
- Authoritarianism and political choice in France4
- Political parties and social media campaigning A qualitative comparative analysis of parties' professional Face-book and Twitter use in the 2010 and 2012 Dutch elections4
- Netherlands39
- Belgium21
- England15
- Italy13
- Switzerland10
- USA10
- Canada9
- Austria5
- Spain5